Photo Booth Built Into Classic Van at Detroit Auto Show

Photo Booths are popping up everywhere these days. Check out this creative photo booth built into a classic van at the North American International Auto Show at Cobo Hall in Detroit. Love it!Photo Booth built into van at North American International Auto Show at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan


We’re thinking about some of our own creative ideas for places we could construct a photo booth. How about these:

What about a fake bathroom mirror booth? Everybody takes photos in the bathroom mirror anyway, if we created a 2 way mirror with a photo booth behind it people would feel right at home. Literally

It would also be fun to have one built into an elevator. Imagine if you could immortalize the fun during that 16 seconds you spent riding to your floor?  The only problem is that nobody would want to get out!

Where are some places that you’d like to see a built in photo booth? Leave your thoughts in the comments.